2 yrs. old | on or before August 31
4 yrs. old | on or before August 31
3 yrs. old | on or before August 31
5 yrs. old | on or before Augsut 31
Learn letters & numbers
Proper tripod grip writing
Life hacks & Life skills
Develop the love for school
Read with comprehension
Rote counting
Proper tripod grip writing
Life hacks & Life skills
Preparation for Kindergarten
Entrance Exam
Learn DepEd's MELC
Life hacks & Life skills
Grade 1 ready
Exciting activities
Lots of movement
Socialization with Peers
Kindergarten Cut Off based on Department Order (DO) 020, s. 2018 or the Amendment to DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2016. If the school commences their school year beyond June, Kindergarten learners should be five years old by June 1 and the extension period ending on Aug. 31 may be adjusted. If the school commences its school year in July, Kindergarten learners should be five years old by July 1 and the extension period shall be until Sept. 30. If the school commences its school year in August, Kindergarten Learners should be five years old by Aug. 1 and the extension period shall be until Oct. 31. The commencement of the school year may change for the next school year.
Unmatched Curriculum to Make Your Child Street Smart Early on in Life
(Through our Life Hacks Program)